A lovely review in Funeral Service Journal of Gabriel’s gravestone carving and a passion for vernacular lettering. […]
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BBC Radio Wales Country Focus Interview
Gabriel interviewed by Rachel Jones for BBC Radio Wales Country Focus (January 22nd 2017). […]
Vernicular Lettering Today
Talk given by Gabriel to the Art College in Carmarthen. As a Monumental Mason I strive to “bring to mind” the lives, the names and the places of those who my work commemorates. As a letter-cutter I carve “Vernacular Letters” and I believe that I am the only one trying to do so today. This […]
How did I come to be carving letters in stone ?
Once I was told that it was simply a case of nominative determinism. Sometimes when asked this question, I just reply “Because I can’t do anything else”, which is true but not the whole story. Of course it is a bit of a long story but one that I will find both instructing and enjoyable […]
Streamside Gardens of Swimbridge Church – God's Garden
God’s Garden: Swimbridge streamside community garden stepping stone poem, devised, designed and carved by Class 4 of Swimbridge Primary School (founded by parson Jack Russell). […]
Leading workshops with school children of all ages to carve Mother and Child in Langtree and London meant children designing and carving one ton boulders of Portland Stone in their playgrounds. Another workshop was held to carve ” I AM ” and the Lord’s Prayer into a 41/2 ton Delabole Slate monolith to mark the […]
Welcoming Christ Victorious on The Cross
This carving is the fruit of a Lenten Meditation in memory of my Mother, a Vicar’s wife whose vocation was to dish out unsparing hospitality to all comers. The carving was inspired by a pun, or “rebus” in heraldic terms, on the Welsh for the word Welcome-“CROESO” and the word for Cross-“CROES”: in other words”You […]
Victorious Christ in Carrara marble being gilded in the boot of a Silver Spirit
In Memory of Clarissa
I have recently submitted to St Michael’s Church of Great Torrington’s Website my works in memory of my mother Clarissa Hummerstone. You can view the website by clicking here. www.stmichaelstorrington.org.uk/in-memory-of-clarissa-hummerstone.html […]
Christian sculptor to transform slab of Cornish slate into an icon for Easter